Don't you forget about me,
courtesy of celebguru.com, here's some celeb quotes on drugs...
"I’ve slept with too many women, done too many drugs and been to too many parties. I loved acid when I was at college. It was an escape. I liked mushrooms. They were like easy acid. I did like blow…Blow would dress you up for a party, but never take you there. You’re always like. This is going to be great! Then you’re just depressed."
"The strangest thing I’ve tried to snort? My father. I snorted my father. He was cremated and I couldn’t resist grinding him up with a little bit of blow. My dad wouldn’t have cared. "
"My mind seemed to have a huge neon sign in it that blinked nonstop: COKE. GET COKE. So I did. It was great for dieting, partying and picking up my mood."
"I ended up on a shrink’s couch, and he told me to write down how much I did in a week: 20 E’s, 4 grams of coke, six of speed, half an ounce of hash, three bottles of Jack Daniel’s, 12 bottles of red wine, 60 pints."
...and we havent even touched on the Lindsay Lohan's or the Alec Baldwins of the world. Sure Tom Cruise is crazy, but isn't everyone else pretty much. Playing it straight doesn't cut it anymore, if you want to be succesful in the business, you better start re-enacting scenes from "Blow". Don't be afraid of the River Phoenix stories, your invincible my sweetest friend....everyone you know won't go away in the end. Comon you'll be rich, its totally worth it, I promise...
Oh my god, it's Tom Cruise, Oh my god
and now the TOP 5....
5. Transformers: I can't believe I talked myself into a Micheal Bay movie staring Tyrese and Shia LaBeouf. But comon, its Optimus Prime, its Megatron, it's "Transformers!....robots in disguise!"
4. Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix: I usually go to the movies with friends most of the time but here's one tradition that's been going strong for the past few years. I've seen every Harry Potter movie with my Mom and Sister(who's married) and we'll keep that going until all of them are done. Ahhhh how cute you watch kids movies with your mom ahhhh, great, look at the silly cat
3. Paris, je t'aime: 20 directors and a large cast make up vignettes about the city of love. It includes directors such as the Coen Brothers, Walter Salles, Alfonso Cuaron, Alexander Payne and Gus Van Sant and a cast including Natalie Portman, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Elijah Wood, Nick Nolte, Juliette Binoche, Willem Dafoe, Catalina Sandino Moreno and Steve Buscemi to name a few. Sounds amazing.
2. Knocked Up: AKA 40 Year Old Virgin 2 as writer/director Judd Apatow returns with the same cast sans Carrell for another Comedy of awkward love situations. For all you Grey's Anatomy fans this one stars Katherine Heigl
and the #1 movie im waiting for this summer.....
1. The Simpsons Movie: Out of any show in history, The Simpsons might go down as perhaps the greatest of our generation. What other show can remain watchable from age 5 to age 22. They're keeping this plot top secret but who knows, maybe we find out where Springfield is...or not.
...Summertime, and the livin's easy...
I wish i could find some video clips but unfortuantly there are none. You can listen to this sound clip and use your imagination. Its the lake house scene in the godfather 2 that starred Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Robert Duvall and Annie Hall herself, and yet John steals the show with probably the best scene in the movie, enjoy.
You see, I first stumble upon Troma when I netflixed something called "Make Your Own Damn Movie" figuring I'd get some insightful advice. It turned out to be a big slap in the face of filmmaking made by Kaufman himself. It was poorly put together and the campy advice made you want Kaufman to eat a pile of toilet paper that you shat on, you know cause, he'd probably be into that sort of thing.
Then again, if anything it gets you thinking. What is filmmaking?, what should movies be? Art or Entertainment? Why should only a select few in Hollywood be monopolizing the business? With most professors, students, critics and the like claiming to talk of an "essence" of film, I mean, isn't all subjective really? So what do you think? What do you look for in your movies? Whats your take?
"that was NOT a goal"
I love looking back on ensemble casts because I always think about how everyone’s career panned out. I mean, back then, if you had to bet, wouldn’t you have had to put all your money on Chris O’Donnell and not Matt Damon for who would have the most successful career of all the guys. He did "Fried Green Tomatoes", "School Ties" and "Scent of a Woman" in a span of a year back then. He was going places. What the hell happened Chris? (oh that’s right, "Batman & Robin", nevermind)
The film is about Frasier’s character struggling to fit in at a rich prestigious New England prep school because of the fact he is Jewish. The rich white kids led by Damon give him a very hard time after initially befriending him when they find out his religious beliefs. Because of the greedy Jewish stereotypes they believe in, they do awful anti-Semitic things to him. It raises a lot of issues of prejudice in general. Personally, I feel there’s a larger issue at hand when it comes to prejudice. Why must we feel the need to strongly define ourselves in the first place? Isn’t that basically like trash talking others? Doesn’t that create backlash? In the spirit of black history month, shouldn’t we be defining people by the content of their character? Why did we never truly implement that? Why are humans so territorial? I always try and treat people of all backgrounds as equals and in life I’ve met plenty of good human beings from different backgrounds and beliefs just as much as I’ve met complete assholes from those same backgrounds and beliefs. Yet it seems most revert to what may seem to be loyalty in culture, which I think is wrong. I mean, isn’t that pretty much why we have war in places like the Middle East? I think it would be better if we lived in a utopian world where we were all just one country and we did not have religion too for that matter; imagine that. And hey, you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
Sigh…I guess that’s why I like movies. I can escape in them and they never change. I’m happy that I get to do this blog as this gives me an excuse to watch more. I feel great and look forward to blogging again. Like Paul Newman in "The Color of Money"…IM BACK!
Movies and everything else