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In case you haven’t caught on, my blog is about movies. Over the course of the year I will be reviewing a couple, lending my personal take on them, throwing out a lot of recommendations, and just talking about my life and how it relates to the world of cinema as it is something I really enjoy and would like for it to become a profession. The origins of this blog began last year in another 297 experimental english course; Digital Storytelling. There, I had so much fun with the blog that when I knew I could continue it, I had to tumble down that rabbit hole. Enter, Writing into the Blogosphere!
Ok so lets just jump into things and pretend I never left in the first place. I just finished watching "School Ties" which I think I can best describe as a movie trying to be a movie. The film boasts an ensemble young cast including Brendan Frasier, Matt Damon, Chris O’ Donnell, Ben Affleck, Anthony Rapp (That TA guy from Road Trip & also Dazed and Confused) and of course Cole Hauser who you gotta love cause he looks like the type of guy who would beat the crap out of you at a bar if you beat him in foosball and trash talked after.

"that was NOT a goal"
I love looking back on ensemble casts because I always think about how everyone’s career panned out. I mean, back then, if you had to bet, wouldn’t you have had to put all your money on Chris O’Donnell and not Matt Damon for who would have the most successful career of all the guys. He did "Fried Green Tomatoes", "School Ties" and "Scent of a Woman" in a span of a year back then. He was going places. What the hell happened Chris? (oh that’s right, "Batman & Robin", nevermind)
The film is about Frasier’s character struggling to fit in at a rich prestigious New England prep school because of the fact he is Jewish. The rich white kids led by Damon give him a very hard time after initially befriending him when they find out his religious beliefs. Because of the greedy Jewish stereotypes they believe in, they do awful anti-Semitic things to him. It raises a lot of issues of prejudice in general. Personally, I feel there’s a larger issue at hand when it comes to prejudice. Why must we feel the need to strongly define ourselves in the first place? Isn’t that basically like trash talking others? Doesn’t that create backlash? In the spirit of black history month, shouldn’t we be defining people by the content of their character? Why did we never truly implement that? Why are humans so territorial? I always try and treat people of all backgrounds as equals and in life I’ve met plenty of good human beings from different backgrounds and beliefs just as much as I’ve met complete assholes from those same backgrounds and beliefs. Yet it seems most revert to what may seem to be loyalty in culture, which I think is wrong. I mean, isn’t that pretty much why we have war in places like the Middle East? I think it would be better if we lived in a utopian world where we were all just one country and we did not have religion too for that matter; imagine that. And hey, you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
Sigh…I guess that’s why I like movies. I can escape in them and they never change. I’m happy that I get to do this blog as this gives me an excuse to watch more. I feel great and look forward to blogging again. Like Paul Newman in "The Color of Money"…IM BACK!
Now that my brain is no longer filled with cobwebs, I've had the starting realization while reading your blog that *I've been here before*. And I have. Casey sent me your blog last year to look at, because I was teaching a film review course. So yeah, this is like old news to me.
Also, to answer your question: Grey's Anatomy. Grey's Anatomy is where Chris O'Donnell's career went to have once last gasp and then die. I saw it fade before my very eyes.
I had a total crush on Chris O'Donnell for the looongest time and it started with School Ties.
I'm excited for you blog because I like movies just as much as the next guy, but I am just so busy with "real life" to sit down for a couple hours at a time without the distraction of a computer in front of me, so I can get all that other work done... how can I fully appreciate any kind of movie with my attention divided like that?
But at least I can read about your adventures in movieland. You seem like you know what you're talking about, so don't make any bad suggestions or I might have to hunt you down and yell.
I agree with your feelings about the issues "School Ties" brings up. I actually just posted a blog about something kind of similar right before I read yur post, and now I feel cool that I have something in common with John Cusack. (hahaha, you should be flattered by that, by the way)
Don't forget, Chris O'Donnell was in Three Musketeers with Charlie Sheen, Oliver Platt and Jack Bauer...errr Keifer Sutherland.
That was one of my favorite movies as a kid, and I still quote one of my favorite lines from any movie, when Porthos (Platt) said to Dartanian (O'Donnell), "You can't have any, you're too young."
It's not that meaningful, but fit so many funny scenarios. Try it out, you'll like it.
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