so first off, the secret is.....(drumroll)............
Now its not attraction in the sense as in "I like you, you like me", it's actual attraction. "think of yourself like a magnet" they say. What you attract will be guided by your thoughts. "Thoughts become things". If your thinking about the dreaded upcoming bill and your debt, your attracting more debt. We can't monitor all our thought so we know this by how we are feeling. If your feeling bad, your probably on a path to feel worse. So in a sense, don't worry be happy. The universe will respond to your thoughts, like a genie "your wish is my command" There is a creative process so to speak. 1. Ask. 2. Believe 3.Revieve. But you really have to believe and feel your going to get what you want. The path to happiness begins with gratitude. Sit there and think about all that is good about your life and appreciate it. When you want something, visualize yourself accomplishing it. Act on inspired thoughts and always focus on prosperity. As an example, don't be anti-warbe pro-peace. If you want tru happiness, focus on your inner joy. Love yourself. You create your own joy. Don't stress. When talking about health think of it this way. When your sick your body is not at ease, it's literally at dis-ease so you have disease, but if you think positivly you can overcome it. Dis-ease cannot live in a healthy mind. If you want success you can have it. Your mind is the key. Man becomes what he wants. Don't think becuase everyone is using the secret that there won't be enough to go around, theres enough for everyone. We are all the same, we are just beings of energy so follow your bliss.
...the end. that's pretty much an hour and half in a nutshell. Do I believe it i don't know. Hmm i'm thinking about not typing anymore, i'm visualizing not typing anymore. I am not typing anymore.
Somebody else once lectured me on that whole concept, their idea was to "ask your inner self" and the things you need in life will come to you. If you're a struggling business person and you ask "yourself" for some sort of help a new client will appear the next day. I'm not entirely sure how I feel on the matter, but I guess the "don't worry, be happy" concept could potentially cheer us all up.
I can't believe you told the secret. Do I have to pay you $3.99 or something now? Not that I was going to bother renting the DVD.
I love blogs with FREE information!!!!!!!!
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