25. Fight Club

24. Munich

23. Roger & Me - Director Michael Moore's 1st documentary from 1989.

22. La Notte

It's a simple story of a couple going through marital issues and the tempations that surround them. The cinematograhy is breathtaking.
21. Dr Strangelove -

20. Contempt

19. Y tu mama Tambien

18. Vanilla Sky

17. Annie Hall

16. Rashoman

15. Taxi Driver

14. The Matrix

13. Boogie Nights

12. Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Another good personal fav and one of Steven Spielberg's best. It's my fathers favorite movie so it connects us in a weird way.
11. Dog Day Afternoon

10. The Great Escape

9. Adaptation

8. Pulp Fiction

"Tell that bitch to chill!"
7. Raiders of the Lost Ark

6. The Shawshank Redemption

5. Jackie Brown

"I didn't know you liked the Delfonics"
4. The Shining

3. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest

2. The Godfather Saga

1. Goodfellas

Well that wasn't a long post or anything. Who knows, this list will probably change dramatically soon as everyday I watch more and more films. Thats the cool thing about films, they are truly works of art and you can see them in a whole new light the next time you see it. Casey and Lisa, you guys have been awesome teachers and thanks for everything. Now if you will excuse me im going to watch this movies I left off the list just to make sure I didn't make a mistake.....