You guys bring up a very good point here. A netflix phenomena if you will. The saying "It's in my queue"'. By this rational anyone who utters this is hooked. Well consider me hooked. It's like that movie Requiem for a Dream, I'm a netflix version of Ellen Burstyn trying to fit in a red dress (or in my case open a red envelope) . Right now my friends and I are hooked. My queue alone right now is about 200 movies deep. That's going to take me like a year to watch no joke. Oh well it's a long summer.
Speaking of Requiem, that movie made me sick the first time I watched it. I saw Darren Aronofsky's other film Pi as well, not as good, a little pretensious if you ask me. Jennifer Connelly though is arguably my favorite actress. Not gonna lie I've had a crush on her since I saw the Labyrinth in 3rd grade. In fact between that, The Rocketeer and A Beautiful Mind, I think I'm set for life. Mmmm Jennifer Con..(splashed with water)...yea sorry about that rant. My friend actually told me to check out House of Sand and Fog because not only is she in it but that it's also a good movie. Ben Kingsley is it and hes always great. I look forward to checking it out and watching it eventually because.......well...you know, its in my queue.
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