anyhoodles...time for movie of the week!...(actually I owe u readers about 2 movies of the week since I didn't post 1 last week)..Our first movie recommendation comes in the spirit of March Madness. No, I wont say Hoosiers (to predictable) I'm going with Blue Chips. Ok so it isn't an excellent movie, but it stars Nick Nolte in it doing well...Nick Nolte things. It also stars NBA players Shaq and Penny Hardaway, along with cameos from Bobby Knight, the guy who played Al Bundy, and of course Boston Celtic legends Bob Cousy(in a memorable free throw shooting scene where he never misses and did it all in one take) and of course the great Larry Bird. About as a good as a sports movie as your going to get from the 90's so check it out if your into basketball and have never seen it.
My 2nd recommendation is Contempt by Jon-Luc Godard. It's an old French film which I tried basing my photoessay off of. It's a story about love and the relationship of a screenwriter and his wife. The film also stars American Jack Palance (Curly from City Slickers fame). Its a serious drama that also explores the ways of film making. One of my personal favorites. If you've never seen a French New Wave film check it out. Also see Godard's Breathless as well, a film that might translate better to a younger crowd.
Have a good spring break and peace the balls out ya'll.
1 comment:
Hi Kevin. Just wanted to leave a few comments about your blog and your photoessay.
First, a movie blog is a very cool approach. I like your idea about recommending a 'movie of the week'... one of the ways that blogs gain a loyal readership is by providing good recommendations like this. One suggestion I'd make is that when you want to recommend a movie of the week, you make a separate post with that title (e.g. Movie of the Week, 3/27). When the recs are buried within longer posts, they're tougher for readers to identify.
Visually, the blog looks very nice. I like the pics, and your template has a cinematic feel. You're also doing a smart job of linking out, using the blog to point readers to other places.
The photoessay seems a little fuzzy in its focus, but I must say I really loved that "Everywhere I look I get reminded of films..." section. And the 'everything looks cinematic' parts, with the zoom-ins, is also very cool. The essay seems sort of stuck between a more conceptual/artistic approach and a more straightforward, this-is-how-you-make-a-movie approach, which makes it a little bumpy to view. But definitely some cool moments -- hopefully it was some fun to make.
Keep up the interesting work, and remember to feel free to ask us if you have an idea that you'd like to try but which doesn't seem to clearly fit the requirements of a particular assignment -- we're pretty flexible.
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