The Pixies were on to something. Umass can make you lose your mind, I have never felt more uninspired to do any work than ever before. Maybe because its so close to the end, oh well. But it gets me thinking...did you ever feel like your life was routine, that it wasn't going to change or get any better or any worse? That it was what it was. What if something happened that forced you to change your life, made you drop what you were doing and start something new. When I think about that, a few movies about life come to mind...
25TH HOUR: A Spike Lee joint about a guy(Edward Norton) who is on his way to jail for the next 8 years, he has only 24 hours left to spend with his family and friends, the final montage at the end was pretty amazing the 1st time I saw it when Norton's father tells him as he's driving his son to jail what his life could be if they just kept driving onward. I won't spoil it anymore but it's a pretty solid movie I thought. Here's a angsty F. U. scene from Norton on the city of New York...
STRANGER THAN FICTION: Something a little more new, maybe you've seen but if not you netflix it or whatever. Harold (Will Farrell) finds out hes a character in a book and more importantly he's going to die in the end. In the routine life Harold lives, he decides to change things around. Same concept, but more lighthearted if your want to see a comedy.

IKIRU: Perhaps one of favorite movies directed by perhaps the greatest Director ever in my opinion, Akira Kurosawa. An old man who lives a quiet routine depressing life finds out he is terminally ill and is going to die. He only has a short time to live and make the most of his final days. Few movies ever get into concepts of the meaning of life but this one handles it nicely. I feel everyone should see this movie at least once. To me, it gets the rare 5 star rating on netflix.
...And why do I bring this all up? because I found out over the weekend mt family wants to move to California which basically means my life changes, for better or worse we shall see....